Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tweets of Love at the Masquerade Ball

We got into another jam the other night—a poetry jam on Twitter, that is. Our theme this time was "love in character", with prompts from Julia Cameron's The Right to Write. For an hour we played at being Antony and Cleopatra, Samson and Delilah, Scarlett and Rhett, Jane Eyre and Rochester, Pocahontas and Captain John Smith, and a number of other fictional and not-so-fictional pairs of lovers.

It was a fabulous evening full of stars, pyramid moons, kohl eyes, flying carpets, and pretty good acting-by-word.

Our co-Tweeter and editor extraordinaire Glynn Young of Faith Fiction Friends knit our many words into "Love at the Masquerade Ball". You may read the twoem in full at TweetSpeakPoetry.

Read and be as delighted as I was!

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