Saturday, October 3, 2009

Twoets on TweetSpeak

Writers + Poets = Poetry Writers
Poetry Writers + Twitter = Twoets on TweetSpeakPoetry

TweetSpeak, in the words of its creators, "started as a rather odd idea. Could we, a group of poets and writers who had found each other online in blogs, e-mail, and Twitter, do a poetry jam? Specifically, could we do one on Twitter?

"We decided we could, and we scheduled it, and we did one. And then we did another, and then another. The number of tweeting poets started growing, and we decided we needed a place to house the "twoems" or "Twitter poems." Actually, one of the twoems turned out to be a "twepic" or "Twitter epic." We began to think about the possibilities for "twodes" (odes) and "twonnets" (sonnets) and, well, you get the picture. You have to be careful around people who work with words.

"So, welcome to TweetSpeak Poetry. We'll be posting existing efforts shortly, along with scheduled poetry jams, notices about poets and books of poetry we like, and perhaps a guest poem or two."

One of the participating twoets, I invite you to join us on TweetSpeak.  Our group is lively, witty, exceptionally well-read, and can more than meet the twoetry challenge in 140 characters or less.


  1. Oops. TweetSpeak.

    But TweetSweet has a sweet ring to it too. :)

  2. Thanks, L.L. This will teach me to wear my glasses after 9:00 p.m.

    TweetSpeak's a Sweet Tweet, indeed.
