Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Good Book in High-Def, Interactive Mode

Glo Bible: It's the Bible as you've never seen it before. It doesn't "sit" on your night-stand, on a shelf, or in the palms of your hands; it needs a computer to come to life. It's sold online and requires a full-time project team. It tells the oldest stories we know with the latest — and coolest — digital tools.

Created by a former aeronautical engineer and banker, Brazilian-born Nelson Saba, and launched worldwide last month, Glo Bible has more than 2,300 high-resolution images, 7,500 articles, more than 460 virtual tours of such exotic locations as the Garden of Gethsemane and Temple Mount, nearly 700 works of art, including close-ups of the Sistine Chapel frescoes, and more than three hours of high-definition video. It is, says Saba in an interview with the U.K.'s Guardian News, all "about offering an experience."

Interested? Here's a quick, and slick, overview: