Thursday, November 26, 2009

In Thanksgiving

We are thankful to you
  for gifts of taken-for-granted commonness:
    the song of a bird, the strum of wind, a hundred shades of green,
      a parent's praying patience, a friend's voice, a changed way,
        work worth doing, children's questions, a new thought;
    our bodies, enough food, wine slowly shared, a quiet walk,
      the touch of hands, catch of eyes, hark of dreams,
        the wash of rain, snuggle of darkness, stardust on the roof,
    the assuring, disquieting sense of your presence in it all,
      the goad to repentance, the nudge to gratitude
        in the utterly everywhere of small miracles.

~ Ted Loder, from "Thankful Beyond Understanding", My Heart in My Mouth (Augsburg Fortress, 2000, Copyright © 2000 Ted Loder)

May you each enjoy the blessings of this Day of Thanksgiving.


  1. And I am grateful for your entering my circle and sharing your light so beautifully and generously.

    Happy Thanksgiving my wonderful friend of the blogging world!

  2. Thanks for sharing this, Maureen, and blessigns to you and your family on this Thanksgiving from me and mine.

  3. ooooo...this is a good one

  4. I enjoyed this. ...Keeping my eyes, ears and sense of touch open for this "commonness."

    Happy Thanksgiving (weekend.)
