Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Noise of Rejoinings (Poem)

The Noise of Rejoinings

Bones crack

Undoing a life's struggle
to make connections
against a story too long ago untold.

Older brother. Father.
Mother's sisters.
(paternal never known,
maternal, like as not).
Infant sister. Infant brother.
Son's uncle.
Cousins' cousins.
Husband's mother.


Roots clipped
to stubborn stumps of
first and second generations
gone missing in clouds

I search
to put face to name.

My name.

My name is the name
of the missing, too,
a yet-link
waiting for the noise
of rejoinings:

Rejoinder to what was lost
now found.

Copyright 2009 Maureen E. Doallas. All Rights Reserved.

I submitted this poem to Christine Valters Paintner's 40th Poetry Party at the online Abbey of the Arts. Christine's challenge to readers was to respond with a poem or other reflection that might honor "one of your ancestors in particular" or celebrate "the 'cloud of witnesses' and 'communion of saints' who gather with us." To read others' contributions at the Abbey, please click here.


  1. bones crack...

    i love that.

  2. Maureen, So happy to see you over at MindSieve - thank you for visiting but more than that, thank you for sharing this marvelous poem. You definitely should have been with us at Christine and Betsey's "Honoring Your Ancestors" retreat...I feel like you were after reading this piece. Hope to see more of you!

  3. A wonderful way to commemorate the communion of saints!

  4. So pleased to come upon your blog. Lovely work. I was very moved when I read this poem - what a tribute to the roots that run deep - I love this "a yet-link,waiting for the noise of the rejoinings" - I love your play with language - very lyrical and intoxicating to read - what fun! Thank you!
