Friday, March 5, 2010

It's All Just a Matter of Connections

I became the recipient today of a "One Lovely Blog" award. I didn't compete for it, seek it, or even know it existed. I find it a charming way to be called out as part of the blogging community, and an effective way to introduce or get to know writers with whom I might not otherwise cross paths.

Sam at Thoughts, writings, coffee..., who recently became one of my followers, dropped a link in my comment box to tell me I was among his choices for the award. He'd received a shout-out from someone else and, abiding by the award rules, was paying forward the honor. Under the rules, each recipient must select 15 bloggers of special note to whom to pass on the award, notify those 15 bloggers they've been chosen, and display the award badge in a post or on a sidebar.

Here are my 15 selections, in no particular order:

Joyce ~ Peaceful Legacies
Louise ~ Recover Your Joy
Diane ~ Contemplative Photography
Glynn ~ Faith, Fiction, Friends
Judith ~ Judith HeartSong. . . an artsy blog
Kelly ~ This Restless Heart
Rachelle ~ Magpie Girl
Kathleen Overby ~ Almost Paradisical
Tracey ~ Brainworks
Christine ~ Abbey of the Arts
Lucy ~ Diamonds in the Sky with Lucy
Sunrise Sister ~ MindSieve
katdish ~ Hey Look, A Chicken!
Sarah ~ knitting the wind
nAncY ~ just say the word

Anyone who reads my blog knows I visit many sites (a few are listed on my sidebar) and try to leave behind at each one a few words — what Kelly calls an "I see you." Without doubt, I could have listed easily three times as many bloggers deserving public recognition. The list above represents a few of the many different communities of interest in which I participate within our vast social network. Most of us also are on FaceBook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

If you do not already read these bloggers, fill up your coffee or tea cup, take a seat at your computer, and spend a few moments at each site. You won't be disappointed. I promise.


  1. Will make that my next order of business, right now! Thanks for the links.

  2. Ah, Maureen -- generous as always with your kind words and attention! I feel privileged to be part of this august list of bloggers: thank you!

  3. How kind you are, thank you :-)

  4. Hey,

    Thank you. I've been feeling a little blank this week so maybe your mention will get my muse in gear:) Also, I love being a part of the particular group you called out today - some of my favorites!

  5. First, Maureen - thank you so much for including me with such a fine list of bloggers. I haven't visited them all, but I plan to do just that. You are such an encourager and I appreciate you.

    I'm smiling as I read the names of the blogs - Hey Look a Chicken is sort of like that Sesame Street "one of these things doesn't belong here" scenario.

    Thanks again. (smiles)

  6. Thanks so much for the mention Maureen!

  7. thanks for thinking of me.
