Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Sharing (My Finds Are Yours)

Saturdays do come round quickly. If you've readjusted to the change in time and have been enjoying our first full week of spring but need to come in out of the rain or the pollen for a bit, join me here for a little exploring on the inside. These sites are nothing to sneeze at.

✭ There's an entire Wordiverse here and when you Adopt a Word, you support I CAN, a charitable organization that helps children who have difficulty finding the words they need to communicate. It's a brilliant idea!

✭ Now here's a site that knows how to embrace technology: Henningham Family Press, a family-run art and book-making collective. Roll your cursor over the book spines to see what I mean. There are some wonderful things here for anyone who likes fine print presses or collects fine press books. Henningham recently participated in the London Word Festival via The Chip Shop, a full-size, fully functioning temporary screenprinting workshop that served up favorite words — or the "Catch of the Day" — printed on wooden board. And just as you would at any respectable fish and chips shop anywhere in London, you got to carry away your word dried and wrapped in a city newspaper. All the words submitted or otherwise ordered are going to be used as the lexicon for an original 2010 festival poem, which Ian McMillan will write and then perform on March 31. For commentary on and photos of the chip-making in progress, go here.

✭ Contemporary Chicago artist Connie Noyes is posting a Painting of the Day. Subscribe to her feed and have a new image drop in your box every morning. You couldn't ask for a more artful approach for your viewing pleasure.

✭ You may not look at fiber art in quite the same way after viewing these images of the work of the internationally known artist Sheila Hicks. Hicks, who lives in New York City and Paris and has workshops in Chile, Mexico, and South Africa, works with cotton, wool, silk, linen and cork, thread, and other natural and synthetic fibers that she combines with other media to create often astonishing installations, such as The Four Seasons of Fuji, May I Have This Dance? (the slide show for this is here), and Wow Bush/Turmoil in Full Bloom. Hicks's extraordinary The Silk Rainforest and The Principal Wife Goes On are now in the collection of the Smithsonian American Art Museum (so lucky we are).

Sandy Skoglund's Breathing Glass at the Lowe Museum of Art, in Coral Gables, Florida, will take your breath away. The conceptual artist's work, which incorporates individually lampworked and mechanically choreographed glass dragonflies fluttering against miniature marshmallows and upside-down figures, is documented in 33 slides. Information about Skoglund's donation of the room-sized artwork is here.

✭ Take 10 minutes to watch Asia Society Museum director Melissa Chiu's  marvelous  interview with Iranian-born visual artist and filmmaker Shirin Neshat, who has just released Women Without Men. Go here for an Art in America feature on Neshat.

✭ Think music is for the birds, do you? Giving literal meaning to the question is Celeste Boursier-Mougenot's sound installation, Les Oiseaux de Celeste, on view through May 23 at The Curve at London's Barbican. Enjoy how these zebra finches make music on an electric guitar a daily part of their routine.


  1. MOre wonderful treasures! I love the bird song. Very very cool!

    Have a beautiful Saturday my friend.


  2. i will look
    into these
    lovely little
    that will not
    make me
    as one is
    apt to do
    when out in
    breezes that
    carry the
    of flowers
    and grasses

  3. such great links as always :-)

  4. i am always totally blown away by the depth and breadth of what you offer here!!
