Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday Sharing (My Finds Are Yours)

A real potpourri this Saturday: art therapy, aging, computer wallpapers, augmented reality, music, and the sky. Now, aren't you glad you stopped by?

✭ The International Medical Corps shows in this video how art therapy on the frontlines gives meaning and emotional stability to the lives of children subject to devastasting war or other catastrophes. 

✭ Last week I included a link to a marvelous collection of poems on the theme of aging. Today, you need to read this and then get to work correcting all those bad thoughts you've been having about growing old. (Thank you to my friend Deborah at Slow Muse for noting this study in a great post of her own. It's always nice to share.)

✭ Need to change the wallpaper on your desktop? Go here for an array of wonderfully patterned images. Complete instructions for downloading to PCs, Macs, and iPhones are provided. After you've spiffed up your walls, try creating a little augmented reality

Trimpin: The Sound of Invention, a film by Peter Esmonde about a German-born "sound sculptor"/ composer/ engineer/ inventor  who's also a MacArthur Genius and as independent as they come, is terrific. Be sure to watch the three trailers, which demonstrate just why Trimpin lives in a world of his own magical making.

✭ Well, maybe you don't like the kind of music Trimpin creates. If so, I promise you can find something to your liking at Other Minds, a global "New Music" community for composers, students, and music lovers. You'll find there lists of music festivals and other special music events, an audio and video archive, a visual archive, and a whole lot of stuff I've never seen anywhere else. Charles Amirkhanian, a producer for the Speaking of Music series, is the force behind Other Minds, too.

✭ If you're stuck indoors today because of awful weather, you'll particularly appreciate A History of the Sky: 146 Days, by Ken Murphy. (Thank you, Deborah, for this find, too.) This creation is beautiful and mesmerizing. A second video, History of the Sky: 126 Days (July 28 - November 30, 2009), is also available. Murphy discusses his project here. Additional information is here.


  1. That sky video is incredible. Like dynamic, natural abstract art.

  2. Maureen, you are amazing and constantly amaze me with your finds.

    Busy. busy. busy is me
    trying to see
    all there is
    in the world of creativity
    maureen has left
    upon my desk.


  3. Maureen, I'm catching up. "Sure Trimpin's a genius; that word was made for him." Was it ever. A "history of the sky" to transport me from the political morass into which I descend. And "Grief" is truly a perfect, essential gem of an expression. Your blog is such a rich resource, through you, from you.

  4. Wow, that sky video is amazing. Truly beautiful. God is so creative! :) Thanks for sharing it.

  5. ok...yeah...i went directly past go to ken's sky vid.

    i think i saw superman.
