Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday Sharing (My Finds Are Yours)

A whirlwind of a spring week opens into bits of respite and satisfying explorations. Enjoy today's Saturday Sharing as you can. There's more than enough to keep you stimulated when the new week begins.

✭ Any of you who are Steinbeck fans will appreciate the results of this short-story competition. My friend Diane Walker, the Contemplative Photographer, ever so quietly posted a sidebar with a link to the stories. She came away with First Prize, the Steinbeckian Award. Read Diane's and others' entries — all from Bainbridge Island, Washington, writers — here.

✭ If you enjoy e-books, go here, where you may download at no cost some real finds.

✭ You'll find a number of arresting articles on forgiveness here.

✭ London-based artist Stefani Posavec is a find to remember. Go here and spend some time with her marvelous creations, including book covers, visualizations of song lyrics, visualizations of Darwin's Origin of the Species (these are fabulous), and visualizations of various authors' writing styles (also quite extraordinary).

Joanna Macy spent A Year With Rilke. You'll want to, too. You'll find some Rilke favorites here.

✭ Appreciation goes to my friend Deborah for directing my attention to Invisible Stories and Swoond. Anyone need smelling salts?


  1. Hi- I see you left a note at Episcopal Café -- we ask that you sign your notes -- thanks

  2. "May we find in time the grace to turn to one another, & may this turning also become our salvation." Rilke

    A year with Rilke ... what a glorious idea.

    Thanks for once again ... and always ... expanding my horizons.

  3. Hi Maureen, Thanks for your kind words about my new website that you left on my blog. We just updated the gallery, it looks much better now. Please feel free to share it next week on your saturday comments. Warm wishes to you,

  4. Off topic...

    huh. I didn't see the scary in that photo, but you're the second person who said so. I wonder about that. I wonder what I'm not seeing...


  5. you are the wealth of information - go to gal.

    Hugs for your day


  6. Oh, Maureen. As always when I come here, I'm wishing I had more time. But that is one of our lessons this week in the book club. I'm just a slow learner.

    BTW, I thought L.L.'s picture a little eerie also. Something in the background sort of morphed her figure into an ambiguity. Or maybe it was the content. :)

    And thank you for your kind words for my bad day yesterday.
