Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Sharing (My Finds Are Yours)

There's art here, and poetry, plus the story of "Guerrilla Gardner" Scott. Enjoy today's Saturday Sharing!

✭ A beautiful collection of cycling illustrations is on display at the London Transport Museum until August 22. This bike blog also has some interesting features for enthusiasts.

✭ In June, The New York Times' Learning Network inaugurated a new feature: Poetry Pairings. The feature is a collaborative effort involving American Life in Poetry, whose sole mission is to promote poetry. Supported by the Poetry Foundation, ALP provides newspapers and online publications with a free weekly column featuring contemporary American poets. For Poetry Pairings, NYT is contributing content from The Times that "echoes, extends or challenges" the words and themes of ALP's weekly poem. Since the first post on June 17, the series has paired NYT content with poems by, among others, Alicia Suskin Ostriker, Patricia Frolander, and Donal Heffernan, each introduced briefly by former U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser. Add Poetry Pairings to your blog roll; it's an inspired way to read NYT content and introduce yourself to poets with whom you might not be familiar.

✭ You don't have to be a scientist to appreciate the beauty produced by a new brain mapping technique that uses viruses to highlight neurons in colors and create detailed visuals of how information travels through the brain. See "A Color-Coded Guide to the Brain" (the first image looks like an extraordinary work of fiber art) and then go here, where you'll find additional imagery and related videos.

✭ Whatever else you might think of velvet paintings, you can't deny the originality of this one created with cheese puffs. Cheesy art reaches a new level here.

✭ Meet guerrilla gardener Scott from Los Angeles:

Guerilla Gardener from Mathieu Young on Vimeo.

✭ Sculptor Tony Tasset created Chicago's "Eye", which was unveiled in Pritzker Park on July 7 and will be in place until the end of October. Want to know how Tasset produced the painted fiberglass installation? Watch this:


  1. This a perfect collection today! Thank you!

  2. Maureen, Saturday is becoming one of my favorite days as I spend a quiet morning with your finds. Where else could I go from poetry in the New York Times to cheese puff painting to a 30' eyeball in Chicago.

    What a way to start a day!
