Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer Camp Highlights (Poem)

Summer Camp Highlights 

blackberry pickings
mouths filling, spilling
purple, trickling stains

hiking quilted brown-needle floors
lightning bugs mapping flight paths
sprays of pine rustling after-dinner songs

scat sightings, owl watchings
hawk gliding, copper heads slithering
rattlers beading alarms

tin cup rumblings night checkings
tent flaps flipping off silence
sleeping bags joined

arms unscreened going rage-red
heat seeking water holes
pent-up boyness letting go


This poem is my response to L.L. Barkat's call at High Calling Blogs for a Random Act of Poetry that offers up "a tablespoon of summer". 


  1. I love the sensory action here. Fabulous.

  2. let's sit around the campfire for awhile...that's the best part.

  3. pent-up boyness letting go

    yes. this is summer, releasing the pent-up, sending us crazy into the world.

    i love it.

  4. Like Kelly, I was drawn to the pent-up boyness. :)
