Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thought for the Day

The power of poetry is derived
from an indefinable harmony
between what it says and what it is.
Indefinable is essential to the definition.
~ Paul Valery

Paul Valery, 1871 - 1945, French Poet, Essayist, and Philosopher


  1. How true! so much of our existence is built upon the definitions we give to everything, or the meaning we trie to make of anything.

    Indefinable harmony... how beautiful and freeing.


    Have a wonderufl day.

  2. "what it says and what it is"

    the same

  3. I've been thinking a lot about poetry today, Maureen, as I work on a post about reading fiction for HCB. It's so hard to describe the way art helps me to grow...I only know IT DOES.

    It's that harmony, I guess. Lovely quote.
