Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thought for the Day

. . . there is more to writing than just saying how you feel
and what you think; for to know what you think and feel,
it's often necessary to see what you see and to let the seeing
and how you describe it show you what you think and
what you feel. In the process your own spiritual autobiography
emerges and reveals itself in the images that move you,
the specific details that you see within and without.
~ Murray Bodo, O.F.M.


This quote is from the section "Summer" in Song of the Sparrow: New Poems and Meditations (St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1989).

I have quoted from Song of the Sparrow previously. Go here for links relevant to Bodo.

1 comment:

  1. Dang - a promise that my "own spiritual autobiography
    will emerge" gives me great, great courage and hope. :)
