Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Heart Takes Its Space (Poem)

The Heart Takes Its Space

Eyes narrate
a story:
how a leg
bends before going
up in air
how a muscle tears
in the coming down

Teeth bare
but the eyes
only let you know
the fear
how it stifles
the welcome home

Tail pitiful
gets the story
moving again
the limp fixed
and imprinted

Months of getting
well before
the pulls
and tugs
the game we play
become his shout
a deep throat
of freedom
a dog's life

And then the failing
and in its rush
past loving
what love
can do

The heart takes
its space
filling up

© 2010 Maureen E. Doallas

We're facing the decision to euthanize our beloved Westie, our sweet boy Seamus who has been with us almost 11 years, since his rescue at an age of five to eight (we never had records for him, only knowledge of the abuse from which he'd been rescued). We've run out of medical options. Antibiotics are useless against compromised health and the effects of aging in a body giving out. Even love, which we give him in abundance, isn't enough any more. And yet the heart takes its space filling up.


  1. I have no words, only tears.

    My heart is with you.

    We had to do the same with a beloved cat. Then we lost two more, one by one, over the next six years. For the last two years, I've been pet-less. I miss them still.

  2. So sad, and such a beautiful tribute to Westie. It is very hard to watch them age and fail so quickly, and too soon before our eyes. The hardest is seeing the suffrage...making a tough decision.

    Very sweet writing! *hugs to you! ~April

  3. What a decision Maureen, I`m sorry it`s yours to make.

  4. Oh, Maureen. We had to do this back in May with our Rose Dog and may be facing it again with our cat, Princess Scruffy.

    I know your heart. Hugs.

  5. I'm so sorry for this situation and your pain.

    This is a decision of kindness and love. And I know it is so painful.

    My heart goes out to you and your family.

  6. This poem confirms that love is alive and well in the world-- which is what your poetry always does, and which should be our collective mission: brava! xxxj

  7. Any true dog lover knows what you're feeling. Such love and loss.

  8. Maureen, I am so sorry to hear about Seamus, we are in a similar place with Tune although she keeps rallying just enough for us to postpone the decision, but I know it will be soon.

    Thank you for your beautiful poem. You were actually selected this week in the random drawing so please send me your snail mail and I have a book to send to you.

  9. I've lived this and understand your heart ...

  10. Would that we would 'wag our tails to get the story moving again'

    This is a Lament.

  11. Oh Maureen, I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Seamus. I've been there in that hard place -- my heart is with you.
