Monday, October 4, 2010

Musings Around Giverny and Vernon (Poem)

Musings Around Giverny and Vernon

Where art thou, Muse?

In a season in Giverny
a winter writer's saules pleureurs
a thick of iris jaunes
spring's snowdrops
fall's marguerites and marigold
summer's heat of framboisiers

Weeping willow that cache of tears
kitchen a sun-yellow iris welcome
nympheas the poem below moon's sight
raspberry bush blushing a crush of conical red

Muse, where art thou?

Dreaming a little old train to Pacy
recalled in souvenirs in Eure
l'atelier fleuri a Tissot memory tucked
sheltered beneath a cherry from Japan

Where, Muse, art thou?

At le vieux moulin along the Seine
on a barge nearby and dancing
the old mill repainted a thousand times
Monet's impression landscaped

Thou art where, Muse?

Among a candelier of pear trees
rows of pommiers and maple stands
pointillist protectors protesting festoons
a pink house loaning its lexicon of brushes

© 2010 Maureen E. Doallas

I wrote this poem for Carry on Tuesday, which each week provides a prompt that participants are to use wholly or partly in an original poem or prose piece.

The prompt for Tuesday, October 5, consists of the first four words of Shakespeare's Sonnet C: Where art thou Muse...? (You'll find The Complete Works of William Shakespeare here.)

To read other Carry on Tuesday contributors' poems or prose for Prompt #73, go here.


  1. a pink house loaning its lexicon of brushes?

    Can you supply me with what ever i is ya been drinking..Cos I like this take!

  2. Your writing covers a varied array of territory ...

  3. I think I want to be a muse in my next life - she's having WAY too much fun! :)

  4. this is such a sweet line to me:

    nympheas the poem below moon's sight

    I love this one, Maureen.

  5. This was a sensuous journey

  6. I love the splash of colour and images throughout, a beautiful, sensuous poem! - I have no doubt at all about where Muse was during the writing of it. :-)

  7. Sometimes it is in searching for our Muse that we find her. The journey matters more than the destination.

  8. This poem is fabulous-- so rich with that beautiful sensuous French and the sensual imagery of the flowers-- tres insouciant-- publishable! xxxxJ

  9. soon as I read Giverny I knew it was Monet. I felt taken back in time looking at beauty in the sunlight and hearing a poet mumble "where art thou muse?"

    Love one Maureen Thanks for sharing with One Shot

    hope you submit to our poetry competition

    Moon hugs

  10. you leave my tongue rather twisted in the reading...wonderful word play...and i think you found the muse...smiles.

  11. I see Monet's paintings in my mind as I read this and I'm transported to a place far from where I sit now. Just lovely, Maureen! Truly!

  12. Enjoyed it thoroughly... Nice to have a subject to write about ... and then do a wonderful job like yours.. perfect.

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  13. "Weeping willow that cache of tears" is a literal example of turning a phrase. Nicely done, Maureen!
