Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday Sharing (My Finds Are Yours)

With this edition of Saturday Sharing, you can begin your day with a bit of sugar and finish it off with a mesmerizing show of the Perseids meteor shower.

✭ Edible art can take many different shapes and forms. In the United Kingdom, imaginative cake makers team up with artists of all sorts to bring you The Mad Artists Tea Party. Unlike most art, what's baked up by the Mad Artists lasts only so long as the tea holds out, even when it manages gallery space at Tate Modern or another, no less trendy venue. For those abroad: Be on the lookout for the upcoming "Eat Your Heart Out Halloween Special", a deliciously promising joint venture with "curator of cake" Lily Vanilli, who has compiled recipes for her bespoke concoctions in A Zombie Ate My Cupcake (CICO Books, August 2010).

For those who dare, follow Cake Britain on FaceBook and Miss Cakehead on Twitter. And if you're really in need of a sugar high, follow the Cakehead Loves Evil blog.

✭ It's been five years since Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, one of America's greatest cities. At Telling Their Stories, you'll find photographic documentation of the stories lived out in the hours and days that followed the disaster. The work of photographers on the scene in 2005 opened August 19 in a juried show at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art (for a review, go here) and closed September 19. A print auction of the exhibited photographs is planned, with proceeds to benefit the Ogden Museum's photographers-in-the-schools program.

The exhibition "One Block: A New Orleans Neighborhood Rebuilds" is on view now and through January 10, 2011.

Telling Their Stories is on FaceBook and Twitter.

✭ Poetry lovers will enjoy this video blog imported from Canada: How Pedestrian. The site does a very good job of "bringing poetry to random places" to make it "more accessible to the general public."

✭ If you're confused about the jargon and arcane ways of the publishing industry, How Publishing Really Works will set you straight, though it won't guarantee your latest and greatest will make it onto the bestseller lists.

✭ If you teach, need to do research, or just love to learn and haven't yet discovered The Learning Network at The New York Times, you are missing out on some wonderful collections of resources, all based on the newspaper's contents. See, for example, the series that addresses teaching with infographics; subject areas include social studies, history and economics, science and health, and language arts, fine arts and entertainment

✭ We all experience stress. Not all of us do a good job of relieving it. Whether you're here starting your morning or finishing up after a long day, take a moment to watch Henry Jun Wah Lee's Joshua Tree Under the Milky Way, a time-lapse video of the Perseids meteor shower, and let go. (My thanks to Trent Gillis at Krista Tippett on Being [formerly, Speaking of Faith], where I first saw this video.)

To see more of Lee's beautiful photography and other time-lapse videos, especially the gorgeous tour of Yosemite National Park, visit Evosia Photography. You'll find more of Lee's videos at Vimeo as well.

Joshua Tree Under the Milky Way from Henry Jun Wah Lee on Vimeo.


  1. What a wonderful start to my day -- Milky Way has faded behind sunrise -- and I get to enjoy it here!


  2. As usual, these are all totally fantastic assorted goodies.

    Cake is also a great antidote for stress, by the way :).

    And I loved "How Pedestrian"--what a fun idea!

  3. That's quite a remarkable video ...

  4. That's lovely.

    My husband is a photographer. Yesterday he sent me a link to an incredible collection of night photography being shown in England.
