Monday, May 30, 2011

$0.99, or My Two Cents for Less Than a Dollar

Ok, now that I've got your attention, let me give you my two cents about a great deal that recently came my way.

For the fabulous one-time (that's a life-time*) cost of just ninety-nine pennies — for you who are more graphically inclined, that's $0.99 — you can subscribe to the hottest and coolest new poetry newsletter to hit the market:

Every Day Poems

There's a clue in that title. This is a newsletter that will come to your in-box just days a week, Monday through Friday. (Those other two days you'll need to catch up on the reading and writing you love to do.)

What you'll receive in every issue — and, trust me, value cannot be measured in cents alone — will be a combination of any of the following:

✦ a personally selected poem to read and enjoy;

✦ creative writing tips;

✦ links to resources for poetry teachers and writers' groups;

✦ themed material to promote personal and professional development as a poet (for example, June's theme will be the "catalogue poem" month; July's, sestina; August's, sonnet);

✦ advance announcements of writing projects and other special events, such as poetry parties on Twitter sponsored by TweetSpeakPoetry;

✦ news of new titles from T.S. Poetry Press, the indie powerhouse behind the newsletter;

✦ opportunities to read and write with a growing community of committed and fun-loving poets;

✦ a means to possibly connect with published poets and an award-winning publisher;

✦ the possibility of seeing your own work (or that of a poet whose work you love) featured in Every Day Poems.

Want to see some samples? Go here.

Given a bargain like this, you have just one thing left to do: Dig into your penny jars and set aside 99 one-cent coins, no matter  their composition, then go sign up for Every Day Poems

* Actuarial estimate. Lifetimes differ per person, depending especially the number of poems you write.

Every Day Poems on  Flickr 

T.S. Poetry Press on FaceBook

TweetSpeakPoetry Blog

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