Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Earth-Bound (Poem)

Magdalena Abakanowicz, Relief Ore, 1974
Woven Wool, Sisal, and Flax
Collection Deere & Company


Roots channel
their own way: coil, cling,
thicken, hold
to pattern,
warp-and-weft weaving yielding
in community.

© 2011 Maureen E. Doallas


I offer this poem, in Shadorm form, for today's One Word Blog Carnival whose one-word prompt is "farm". The carnival is hosted by Peter Pollock.

The Abakanowicz weaving is part of the John Deere Art Collection, selections of which are on view at Figge Art Museum through June 12.


  1. I love your selection of image and your words!

  2. The poem pleases, it's gritty and telling.

  3. http://creativepotager.wordpress.com/May 31, 2011 at 10:04 AM

    Maureen I can sink into your poem either in garden or under the trees. My toes instinctively curl to feel the granular ground beneath. I become as rooted as the vegetation. Terrill

  4. beatiful turn of words
    as always
    rooted in truth
    grown in love

  5. Lovely post. I am told that there is a different view on the other side of the woven fabric. I believe we shall see things more clearly when our spiritual eyes are opened to see both sides.

  6. oh, marueen! this is splendid!

  7. One of my favorite entries this time. Beautiful! (And I ADORE the accompanying picture. Absolutely spectacular.)

  8. Bravo, Maureen! Astounding metaphor. You expertly wove the pleasing variety of elements here.
