Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday Sharing (My Finds Are Yours)

Today's new edition of Saturday Sharing features links to photography, dance, travelogues, social justice in children's literature, and poets on adoption.

✦ A new online feature from the National Gallery of Art, "Atget: The Art of Documentary Photography", examines in depth 32 of the French photographer's images from the NGA collection. A series of maps shows viewers where Atget photographed France's landscape, including parts and garden, and urban life.

✦ Excerpts from performances of dance at Jacob's Pillow, from the 1930s to the present, may be viewed at Jacob's Pillow Dance Interactive. The online resource may be searched by artist, genre (ballet, contemporary, modern, tap, etc.), and era. New content and features are added periodically.

Virtual Pillow on FaceBook 

✦ At The Travel Film Archive you'll find travelogues and educational and industrial films, in black-and-white and color, produced between 1900 and 1970. The footage, much of it on 35mm, is available for licensing from Getty Images and TFA network for use in documentaries and as background for news stories.

✦ Following a temporary hiatus, a year of positive thinking is back. The site includes writings on contemporary art and culture by New York-based artist and writer Mira Schor

Mira Schor on FaceBook

✦ At The Pirate Tree, children's and young adult writers come together to review, discuss, and promote social justice issues in children's literature. Themed sections encompass economic justice, poverty, and immigration; the environment; gender; ethnicity; disability; and violence and war and peace and refugees.

✦ More than two dozen poets share their experiences with adoption and whether and how it affects their writing at Poets on Adoption. Launched earlier this spring, the blog was started and is curated by Eileen Tabios, who writes at The Blind Chatelaine's Keys and whose first book of poetry received the Philippines National Book Award for Poetry.

Call for Participation

1 comment:

  1. i like atget photo viewing.
    mira sounds very interesting.

    wine tasting workout again tomorrow.
