Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thought for the Day

Well, the blue light was my blues
and the red light was my mind.*
~ Robert Johnson, "King of the Delta Blues"

* "All My Love in Vain" Lyrics

Robert Johnson (1911-2938) was an American blues singer and musician.

Robert Johnson Blues Foundation

The Robert Johnson Notebooks

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Profile

Bhesham R. Sharma, "Poetic Devices in the Songs of Robert Johnson, King of the Delta Blues", Transcultural Music Review, No. 3, 1997


  1. my service is not doing so well today.
    my computer has the blues.

  2. Robert Johnson is a national treasure and it could be said that all modern blues flow from him, certainly delta and country blues. While very well known in blues circles, his music deserves a much wider recognition.
