Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Writing from Words: Fun With Wordles

While I was taking a ghost tour of Key West, visiting Ernest Hemingway's home, and delighting in butterflies landing on my shoulders at the Nature Conservancy's Butterfly Museum, my friends at TweetSpeakPoetry were making Wordles, also known as word clouds. You'll find a list of the word pictures here.

The challenge for this week was to find some "poems-in-waiting" in a Wordle of choice, then post a link to the T.S. Wall no later than Wednesday, May 25.

I selected Marcus Goodyear's Wordle, which Marcus created from his much-praised poetry collection Barbies in Communion. From that Wordle I fashioned the following:


Black eyes like stone
cool everything,

make night burn empty
even around poetry.


Snow-cold tongues
slow practice.

Words catch hold
inside still blue mouth.

Hands must work prayer
broken first across breath.


Look game enough:

Almost every fly ball
makes men run.

Just watch God play.


  1. Lovely little wordles, Maureen. We were in Key West recently for the first time, and enjoyed it so much - hope you had a great time too!

  2. These are terrific. So compact, so full.

  3. Great prompt, wonderful poem from it. I especially like how "slow practice" in stanza two prepares us for all of stanza 3!

  4. Extremely fun---"Just watch God play" is a great line (so simple--like "See Jane run.").

    How was Key West?! I have ALWAYS wanted to go, since Wallace Stevens is one of my faves....

  5. Wordles, and all sorts of word lists often make for great inspiration. You got all kinds of mileage out of yours--the first grouping in particular. "..make night burn empty/even around poetry..."

  6. I love how you created all your poems from one Wordle. And I especially like the last line.

    Watch God play.

