Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blue Riffs (Poems)

Blue Riffs

Baby, you
had me with your French
bleu. Your plot
to blue-flag my attentions
one Tiffany blue

box, ribbon
laced. Out of the blue
I could see
your blueprint
for our future no blue-plate
special I could say

yes to but
once in a blue moon
a habit
-forming mix
to send us soaring into
that wild blue yonder.


A sky dyed
deep in indigo
will bleed through
pillowed down
in mourning's clouds, awaken
what true blue feelings

you favor
most in constant love.
No scheming
for forget- 
me-nots, no raging of skin
erupting red hot.


You talking
a blue streak leaves cheeks
-pinked, eyes icy
blue. Blue-bloods, ladies give blue
comedy their boot.

© 2011 Maureen E. Doallas

This trio of poems* is for fun, my contributions to this week's call from T.S. Poetry Press for catalog color poems for Every Day Poems. Read about the catalog technique here and then go here to read about the things that L.L. Barkat has hunted down and placed in her red basket.

What colors in your world would you catalog? Add your contribution to the T.S. Poetry Press Wall on FaceBook. But hurry, entries are due today.

Are you a photographer? Show your true colors by playing along here.

* Each of these poems follows the Shadorma form, which requires stanzas of six lines following a 3-5-3-3-7-5 syllabic pattern. 


  1. My colour would be green and... dyed up with a little purple, puce!

    Love this trio.

    Fun and enticing!

  2. I think my favorite is the second, but that last line from your third poem tickles me...

    Sometimes I just stare at your poems for a very long time, quieted. You are a fantastic poet, M.

  3. My favorite is the first, Maureen, and we're happy to feature it in this morning's PhotoPlay/Random Acts of Poetry duo. Thank you!
