Sunday, June 26, 2011

From All Threads, Connection (Poem)

From All Threads, Connection

Use two hands
to make each helping
given fair.
Eye no thing
for yourself others balance
as need before want.

Spend words down
to what must be said
once to move
dulled to act.
Weave from all threads connection,
your homage to hope.

© 2011 Maureen E. Doallas

I'm participating in the Domino Project's #Trust30 challenge, an online writing/reflection initiative for which a prompt is posted daily. All of the prompts to date are here.

Today's poem* is inspired by the 27th prompt from world traveler and coach/entrepreneur Harley Schreiber:

Personal Recipe

I do not wish to expiate, but to live. My life is for itself and not for a spectacle. I much prefer that it should be of a lower strain, so it be genuine and equal, than that it should be glittering and unsteady. I wish it to be sound and sweet, and not to need diet and bleeding. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Think about the type of person you'd NEVER want to be 5 years from now. Write out your own personal recipe to prevent this from happening and commit to following it. "Thought is the seed of action."

* * *

* This poem is written in Shadorma form; that is, each stanza comprises six lines following a 3-5-3-3-7-5 syllabic pattern.

I've used all of the #Trust30 prompts as inspiration for new poems. Poems for prompts 16 - 26 are:

You'll find my poem for the 15th prompt, "Truth Be Told", and a list of poems for prompts 1 - 14 here.


  1. You have some busy poem-writing lately. And we get the benefit -- like with this one. (So, I thank you.)

  2. There's a lot of good writing here today ... strong thoughts to ponder.

  3. I really admire the odd pacing of this often, my lines are kind of stretched out--this form really lets you shrink the important thoughts (and let them be dense and percussive).

  4. Maureen, your lines slow me down to really contemplate the thoughts within them. Eye no thing / for yourself others balance / as need before want is a mantra for an aware life.
