Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Host of Water (Poem)

Jason deCaires Taylor, Sculptured Figure from La Evolucion Silenciosa
© Jason deCaires Taylor 

The Host of Water

Eden was never a garden
of stone, Adam never bolted

to a nightly sea bed, and that snake
never could be charmed by fire

worms or shoals of parrot fish.
But Eve, red coral wrapped

about her feet, is anchored now,
lone among the hundreds

that have gone down with her
in darkness to turn her face up

to the shimmery surface light
and accept the host of water.

© 2012 Maureen E. Doallas

This poem is my response to today's photo prompt at Magpie Tales, which features the image of one of more than 400 life-size figures comprising artist Jason deCaires Taylor's underwater sculpture installation La Evolucion Silenciosa (The Silent Evolution), an environmental public art project in Mexican waters intended to promote the recovery of coral life in the ocean. Read more about deCaires Taylor's underwater museum here. Additional images of the extraordinary project are here.

Write your own poem or flash fiction response to the prompt, using the image provided, then go here to add your own link and to read and comment on the other participants' contributions.


  1. accepting the host of water sounds peaceful in the end..some intriguing lines here like the snake, never charmed by fire...

  2. There is something so vulnerable in a 'face turned up' to receive........all things life giving. Shivers.

  3. nice...there is such symbolism of water in christianity that it plays well with the creation...nice visuals too...

  4. under water sea

  5. Some beautiful lines here. Lovely poem! Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it.

  6. there is a feeling of peace being submerged in water, nice write

  7. I love the Garden of Eden take here...beautiful...

  8. Hadn't thought of this direction, but I liked it.

