Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday Sharing (My Finds Are Yours)

This edition of Saturday Sharing finds itself replete with links to the literary, the archival, and the aural. You'll find poetry podcasts, a Haiku collection for the iPad, and a new blog from the Poetry and Literature Center at the Library of Congress. Another highlight is the fascinating work of artist China Blue, who discovered how to capture and play back the sounds of Paris's Eiffel Tower. 

✦ Seattle poet Martha Silano, who blogs at Blue Positive, uncovered Slate Magazine's Poetry Podcasts, all free on iTunes. My thanks to Martha for the link to this great resource. You'll find there both text and audio of a diverse selection of poets published in Slate.

✦ A new blog, From the Catbird Seat, was introduced January 4 by Robert Casper, head of the Library of Congress's Poetry and Literature Center. Read the inaugural post here. The blog is intended to give a revealing inside look at the center and its programs and will feature among guest bloggers our U.S. Poets Laureate. 

✦ At the end of 2011, the National Archives launched its Citizen Archivist Dashboard. The CAD is intended to encourage all of us to "get involved in elevating the visibility of the records of the United States." You can help by assisting with tagging, transcribing, article editing, image uploading, and more. And if you do get involved and have some suggestions for changes or improvements, send your thoughts to

✦ With the help of an auditory neuroscientist and a technical team, artist China Blue has discovered that the Eiffel Tower in the City of Light is a sound machine. At the Internet Archive, you can listen to selections from Blue's "neuropop" album Under Voices: Les Voix de la Tour Eiffel.

China Blue Art Collection at Internet Archive

✦ The latest in poetry sites: The Volta, established by poets Joshua Marie Wilkinson and Sara Renee Marshall. You'll find at the site in-depth weekly reviews, videopoems, interviews, and more. (My thanks to Poetry Foundation for the link.)

✦ Check this list of authors, among them James Joyce, Rabindranath Tagore, and Virginia Woolf, who entered the Public Domain this year.

✦ Here's a short introduction to a new Haiku app for the iPad: Chasing Fireflies: A Haiku Collection, with poems by Basho and Issa. The app's available at iTunes.

(My thanks to the Poetry Foundation for the heads-up.)


  1. Maureen - Was drawn to China Blue and the Eiffel Tower, like nothing I've ever heard. My skin still quivers. Wow! Catching Butterflies was my first experience in this new technology. A lovely world you live in.

  2. a book of haiku called an app....that's new to me.
    it's like a children's book for adults...sounds friendly to me. it would be fun to make one, eh?

  3. The sound of some of these is poetry in itself.
