Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thought for the Day

. . . Each of our lives is a sentence in its story. 
Loving is the art of putting down our want to be the hero.
Listening is the art of threading all the stories. Once threaded
 the light in all of us is opened. It is the light of all that matters. 
Drinking of that light brings us back to life.
~ Mark Nepo, "A Spiritual Problem"*

Mark Nepo's January 9, 2012, meditation, "A Spiritual Problem" is available here in its entirety.


  1. Lovely - a real writer's meditation.

  2. howdy, mo :-)
    LOve and listening...both good things, i think.

  3. Wow. Putting down our want to be the hero...this is really sticking with me.

  4. A tapestry of light. Fascinating.
