Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Book Spine Poems

Maria Popova, curator of the deservedly well-known Brain Pickings, began in April a series called Book Spine Poetry (see Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Last week, Glynn Young introduced to TweetSpeakPoetry readers the prompt, which is too irresistible to pass up. Many of us having been having fun with it. (Be sure to read the comments to Glynn's post.) Here are a few of my own book spine poems. Please feel free to share your own "found poems" in the comments section.

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The following were inspired as I browsed the virtual shelves of Barnes and Noble.

Hemingway's boat: Everything he loved in life, and lost
invisible monsters remix.

Authors of titles in order of appearance: Neil Barofsky, Paul Hendrickson, Chuck Palaniuk


Between you and me,
tigers in red weather
don't say a word!

Authors of titles, in order of appearance: Emma McLaughlin, Liza Klaussmann, Beverly Barton


The Dark Knight rises.
Let the Devil sleep
where we belong:
buried on Avenue B.

Authors of titles, in order of appearance: Greg Cox, John Verdon, Emily Griffin, Peter De Jonge

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The following are books on my shelves and thus the inspiration for the following book spine poems:

life is a verb,
blue notes
open the door.

Authors of titles, in order of appearance: Rudyard Kipling, Patti Digh, Joan Dideon, Joyce Rupp


Wearing heels in the Rust Belt,
you and three others are approaching a lake.
Into perfect spheres such holes are pierced
fully into ashes.

Authors of titles, in order of appearance: Karen J. Weyant, Anna Moscovakis, Catherine Barnett, Sofia M. Starnes


Ignore everybody!
an inconvenient truth.

Authors of titles, in order of appearance:  Hugh MacLeod, Deborah Lupton, Al Gore


Dear Ghosts,

Surviving has made me crazy.
The simple truth:
strong is your hold
day by day.

Authors of titles, in order of appearance: Tess Gallagher, Mark Nepo, Philip Levine, Galway Kinnell, Robert Lowell


Come, Thief.
Come and see
red bird
unpacking the boxes.
present company
to be of use.

Authors of titles, in order of appearance: Jane Hirshfield, Fanny Howe, Mary Oliver, Donald Hall, Liz Waldner, W.S. Merwin, Marge Piercy


What are big girls made of?
Stone, paper, knife
wild iris
curses and wishes
winter trees
eyes, stones
phantom noise.
the will to change
toxic flora

Authors of titles, in order of appearance: Marge Piercy, Marge Piercy, Louise Gluck, Carl Adamshick, Sylvia Plath, Elana Bell, Brian Turner, Mary Oliver, Adrienne Rich, Kimiko Hahn, Sandra Steingraber


And if I don't go crazy, I'll meet you here tonight;
One sleeps the other doesn't
connecting the dots.

Authors of titles, in order of appearance: Filip Marinovich, Jane Kenyon, Naomi Shihab Nye, Jacqueline Waters, Donald Hall,  Maxine Kumin


What love comes to
left out in the rain:
the best day, the worst day
every riven thing
refusing heaven.

Authors of titles, in order of appearance: Ruth Stone, Gary Snyder, Donald Hall, Christian Wiman, Jack Gilbert


Barbies in communion,
God in the yard.
Contingency plans
rumors of water.
Delicate machinery suspended
the whipping club
inside out.

Authors of titles, in order of appearance: Marcus Goodyear, L.L. Barkat, David K. Wheeler, L.L. Barkat, Anne M. Doe Overstreet, Deborah Henry, L.L. Barkat (These all are authors of T.S. Poetry Press.)


  1. What fun! It's almost like found art ... recycled poetry. Some of these are magical ...
    What love comes to
    Dear Ghosts

    You always open my eyes.

  2. Delightful, Maureen. I especially like

    life is a verb,
    blue notes
    open the door.

  3. What a clever idea. And I like the ones you have put together. Almost like a card catalog for the 21st Century!

  4. Part of the fun here, of course, is seeing what books you have on your shelves -- and the way some titles can't help but jump at you. No surprise that my shelves are filled with some of the same authors. I especially loved 'Dear Ghosts . . . '

  5. you did good, girl !

  6. ha these are a lot of fun...and i like the hemingways boat and if poems....very cool maureen

  7. Such a cool exercise and great results. Rather like magnetic poetry. Very interesting. k.

  8. These are so clever! I love it.

  9. If life is a verb, blue notes open the door.

    i love this one.

  10. These are fun. I had done one a while back using my playlist. Pretty interesting.
