Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thought for the Day

[Poems] teach not how to live, but how to learn
about living. Great poems are all fables
about what the best literature does. . . .
~ John Hollander, Poet and Critic

Quoted from J.D. McClatchy, "John Hollander, The Art of Poetry No. 35", The Paris Review, Fall 1985

Paul Devlin, "A Conversation with John Hollander", St. John's University Humanities Review, Vol. 1.2, April 2003


  1. And that is exactly what your poems do!

  2. Louise sent me over, and I'm happy she did. Keep up the poems in the TSPoetry comment box. They're delightful!

  3. Yes! to what Megan said. Your "comment poems" are delightful.
