Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday Sharing (My Finds Are Yours)

This week's edition of Saturday Sharing includes links to sites for "interacting" with bibles, StickK-ing to goals, reading Albert Einstein's personal papers, storytelling with your iPad, and visualizing statistics with augmented reality. You'll also find a link to a story about an apartment in New York City that reproduces Gertrude Stein's own.

✦ Explore, compare, and contrast the Mainz and Gutenberg Bibles at this interactive site from the Library of Congress. The site also allows you to look inside 16 additional bibles, including the Book of Hours from Flanders and the Nekcsei-Lipcoz Bible from Hungary, in the LOC's collections.

Leo Baeck Institute in New York City has opened access to some 3.5 million pages of primary source documents, including personal papers of Einstein, via its DigiBaeck archive of German-Jewish life. The extraordinary collection of materials became available online in October.

✦ Need some help setting and sticking to goals? Try StickK, where you'll find "communities" for career, family and relationships, recreational pursuits, healthful eating, green initiatives, education and knowledge, money and finance, and exercise and fitness. (My thanks for the link go to Ted Blog.)

✦ Who knew there was an apartment in New York City's SoHo that looked like Gertrude Stein's place? This article uncovers the Salon de Fleurus.

✦ Mario R. Garcia's iPad Design Lab (available at iTunes and expected to be on other formats) is for designers, journalists, and anyone involved in storytelling and the communication of information via tablets.

✦ Hans Rosling shows us just what can be done with statistics using today's data visualization technologies, including augmented reality. Dry? Not in Rosling's hands. Rosling is a master at presenting data in ways that make statistics easier to understand in context.


Hans Rosling on Twitter

1 comment:

  1. Wow -- Hans Gosling's video is amazing -- look what you can create plotting 120,000 numbers!

