Sunday, January 27, 2013

Thought for the Day

. . . Touch is our first language
and often, our last . . . .
~ from "The tao of touch" by Marge Piercy

Piercy is one of my favorite poets. Her poem from which the two lines above are taken is included in the wonderful compilation The Hunger Moon: New and Selected Poems, 1980 -2010 (Knopf, 2012). Many poems by Piercy have appeared at The Writer's Almanac and Monthly Review, among other online periodicals and journals.

Marge Piercy Website

Marge Piercy Profiles at Academy of American Poets, Jewish Women's ArchiveThe Poetry Foundation

Marge Piercy on FaceBook


  1. HOw beautiful -- language as a touch -- our skin feeling first our mother's womb, our hearts hearting first our mother's voice and our sense feeling first her presence.

  2. It says what words can't convey.
