Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Recounting Seasons (Poem)

Recounting Seasons

You recall how winter
colored your love, left it

overly delicate, like a flower
skimmed of all fragrance.

You hear in the long last notes
of the nightingale's song

how to harbor what's left
of joy, how spring clutches

the green shoot of life and holds
on and on through summer, prepares

for no end that is sure in coming,
the fall ever endlessly repeating.

© 2012 Maureen E. Doallas

This poem first appeared in Every Day Poems, published by T.S. Poetry Press and filling in-boxes everywhere five days a week.


  1. "How spring clutches/ the green shoot of life"--love that image. It's especially right-on for the climate in which I live: snow flying today, while the first green shoots that started up last week are indeed "clutched" by an elusive Spring.

  2. it will come - spring - lovely...bkm

  3. the fall repeating...really cool use of the seasons in this maureen...i look forward to the green coming...but each season teaches us a bit of resilience...

  4. As Dawn would say, gorgeous sentences-- I would say cascade of sentences: the couplets slow the eye and mind down, build anticipation into the poem--- very beautiful. xxxj

  5. I always enjoy reading your poems, Maureen, which leaves me wondering why I don't visit here more often.

  6. I specially like the opening lines ~ I can't wait for spring and summer to come ~

  7. so much depth to this piece... i feel a bit of your heart

  8. and on and on life's wheel turns... beautiful Maureen!

  9. no certain end is coming, but there will always be an end

    Verification makes it really hard to comment, takes a few times sometimes. you'd probably get more comments if you turned it off.

    Where is the Food when mother is not?

  10. I like the idea that we cling on to the shoots of new life even in the more hostile seasons. Lovely poem.

  11. Thank you for visiting, zongrik, and for commenting.

    I have on several different occasions turned off the word verification and gotten so much spam that it was difficult to handle. Many, many other sites I visit also have word verification, and I sometimes also have to use the icon several times until I find a set of numbers and letters I can easily identify. I'd prefer to not have to use it but experience, unfortunately, more than proves its need. Thank you.

  12. Very touching, read this several times. Thank you Maureen. Written with wisdom and artistic beauty from the depths of a survivor's heart.

  13. fall... ever recurring. I pondered the notion and found it pleasing. your piece flows nicely, just like the seasons at their natural pace.

  14. Lovely. Makes me appreciate how much more poetic "fall" is compared with "autumn".

  15. Very distinct and fine poem...first time here..;)
