Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wednesday Artist: Tommye McClure Scanlin

Today's Wednesday Artist features Tommye McClure Scanlin, primarily a tapestry weaver since 1988 who exhibits nationally and internationally. The award-winning McClure, who lives in Georgia, has been a weaver, using many different weaving techniques, for more than three decades.

Scanlin's Website works in progress includes her blog, a list of her workshops on tapestry and design (she'll be teaching at ArtSpace in Raleigh, North Carolina, February 6-8), images of her current tapestries, links to her gorgeous handcraft on other Websites, and an excellent list of resources for weavers and collectors.

My thanks to Woven for the video.

Tommye McClure Scanlin Pages at Southern Highland Craft GuildPiedmont Craftsmen, and Textile and Fiber Art (TAFA)

Allanstand Craft Shop at Folk Art Center in Asheville, North Carolina, and Piedmont Craftsmen Gallery, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, carries Scanlin's tapestries.


Writing Without Paper is taking a break through the end of the month. Enjoy your holidays and join me again on January 4, 2016.

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