Tuesday, April 18, 2017

'the one about the bird' (Poetry Film)

Based on poet and visual artist Melissa Diem's poem, the one about the bird was filmed in Ireland and was a finalist for the 2013 O Bheal International Poetry Film Competition; it also was screened in 2013 at Belfast Film Festival (Ireland), Filmpoem (Scotland), and Timeline (England). That same year, it was awarded Honorable Mention at The Body Electric Poetry Film Festival in Colorado (United States) and was a finalist at La Parola Immaginata - Trevigliopoesia (Italy).

Diem reads the poem. She also provided the visual images. Colm Slattery provided sound production.

the one about the bird (A poetry film) from Melissa Diem on Vimeo.

Text of Poem

Melissa Diem Website

Melissa Diem Page at Vimeo

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Maureen. Powerful images. Enjoyed the unusual use of a whispered delivery. Fitting.
