Sunday, March 27, 2022

Thought for the Day

Maybe the only gift is a chance to inquire,
to know nothing for certain. An inheritance
of wonder and nothing more.
~ William Least Heat-Moon

Quoted from William Least Heat-Moon, Blue Highways (1982, 2012), E-book; Epigraph, Chapter 19 of Florence Williams's Heartbreak (W.W. Norton, 2022), page 226

William Least Heat-Moon, American Travel Writer, Historian

Florence Williams, American Journalist, Author, Podcaster

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Thought for the Day

is  the moment of your presence
when you leave
~ Alireza Roshan

Quoted from Alireza Roshan, "Seven Poems from Iran" in World Literature Today, Autumn 2020, page 16 (Translations of the poems are provided by Erfan Mojib and Gary Gach.)

Alireza Roshan, Iranian Poet and Author

Thursday, March 17, 2022

New Artist Watch Feature at Escape Into Life


Steven Kenny, The Ribbons, 2015
Oil on Canvas, 40" x 28"
 © Steven Kenny

It is with much delight that today's new Artist Watch column at the international online arts magazine Escape Into Life presents the gorgeous work of painter Steven Kenny.
In his paintings, Steven focuses most often on the human figure paired with elements found in nature. The relationships he creates with these pairings address not only how humans function with each other and Earth but also how we steward our own emotional, intellectual, and psychological landscapes. To view his paintings is to engage on journeys of self-exploration and discovery while at the same time being able to appreciate the work for its mystery and extraordinary beauty.

Today's Artist Watch showcases seven images from a current (2021) body of work and includes an eighth from an earlier period (see image above). Also included are Steven's Artist Statement, a biography, and Steven's social media addresses.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Thought for the Day

When there is no desire,
all things are at peace.
~ from Tao Te Ching

Quoted from Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu (trans. by S. Mitchell), Chapter 37
Lao Tzu, Chinese Philosopher (also known as Laozi), 6th C BCE

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Late Winter (Poem)

Late Winter

Palm trees in El Paso
are haloed in snow
rarer in mid-March
than the Russian tanks
bombarding a Mariupol shoe
factory, the psychiatric
hospital, a maternity ward,
apartments emptying to
missiles. A hotel sauna, 
a subway — deepest space
underground — targeted 
humanitarian corridors
hemmed with smoking autos,
plastic bags and rolling
luggage left behind.
Unknowing, toddlers
learn a new version
of the old game of hide-
and-seek among little Putin's
soldiers. The trains run
east with food and water.
The trains run west with
mothers, wives, the too-
old, the under-eighteen.
What would help most is
another poem from Ilya,
read aloud in the square
in Odessa; not sandbags,
not Molotovs, but arms
to run into, fingers brushing

the blush from soft cheeks
on this late winter morning.
Rev. 3-14-22

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Thought for the Day

Love is nothing but a mattress made of needles.
~ Tom Sleigh


Quoted from Tom Sleigh, "Up the Hill" in The King's Touch: Poems (Graywolf Press, 2022), page 19

Tom Sleigh, American Poet, Dramatist, Essayist, Distinguished Professor in Hunter College MFA Program
Audiovideo Recording of "Age of Wonder" (For others from Sleigh's new collection, go here.)