Sunday, September 24, 2023

Thought for the Day

[. . .] Place as much as you can in your heart. 
It doesn't matter what's in / your mind. [. . .]
~ Jorie Graham


Quoted from Jorie Graham, "To 2040" in To 2040 (Copper Canyon Press, 2023), p. 22 

Jorie Graham Profile at Copper Canyon Press

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Thought for the Day

Let us reclaim creativity and imagination as essential, central,
and necessary parts of our faith journey. Imagination is a gift
given to us by the Creator to steward, a gift that no other creature
under heaven and earth (as far as I know) has been given.
~ Makoto Fujimura

Quoted from Makoto Fujimura, Art + Faith: A Theology of Making (Yale University Press, 2020), p. 149

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Thought for the Day

One of the most difficult challenges for couples is getting them to
see beyond their own entrenched perspectives, to acknowledge
a partner's radical otherness and appreciate difference and 
sovereignty. [. . .] To be truly open to your partner's experience, 
you must relinquish your conviction in the righteousness of your
  own position; this requires humility and the courage
 to tolerate uncertainty. [. . .]

[. . . ] Love is ultimately measured by people's capacity to see
and care about the other person, as [that other person is];
succeeding in this effort is how people in relationships grow.
~ Dr. Orna Guralnik

Quoted from Dr. Orna Guralnik, "I'm a Couples Therapist. Something New Is Happening in Relationships" in The New York Times, May 16, 2023; Online (Audio of the article is available online. A version of the article appeared in print in the Sunday New York Times Magazine on May 21, 2023, p. 37. The entire article is well-worth reading.)

Dr. Orna Guralnik, Clinical Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, and Academic (New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis); Therapist, Showtime's "Couples Therapy"; Writer

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Thought for the Day

If you see life's potential as art, is it artful or artificial living?
~ Terrance Hayes

Quoted from Terrance Hayes, "American Sonnet Starring Octavia Butler II" in So to Speak (Penguin Random House, 2023)

The quote is the concluding line of the poem, which appeared in Poetry Daily on August 24, 2023.

Terrance Hayes, Honored Poet; Professor of Creative Writing, New York University