Tuesday, September 18, 2012

As If (Poem)

As If

     after Walt Pascoe's Raven Gets In

the same blue
could mirror

the morning
that stunned

us. As if wings
like blades

splitting air
could shape-shift

what ended

where we are.
As if looking up

we could know
whose voice

in that minute
before the breath

before would last
becomes only static.

As if what stills
still is this:

the smoke, that
fire, and after

the shimmering,
the calling,

the raven. . . rising.

© 2012 Maureen E. Doallas

I wrote this poem last Tuesday, on 9/11.

Go here to see the beautiful and inspiring paintings, drawings, and watercolors of my friend, the artist Walt Pascoe.

Listen to a recording:


  1. Ravens and misty mornings...love the simplicity of this.

  2. Maureen, what a memorable gesture. This poem is so slim and yet deep. Thank you for posting this and the connection to Walt.

  3. this took me aback a bit...a solid stilling in the thoughts of my own mo(u)rnings thus...

  4. the thin form
    sparsity of words
    sharpness of phrase
    and break
    match the painting

  5. all the more beautiful to hear in your own voice ...

  6. Stunning, just stunning. Your words and form are perfect tribute.6ab avedibu

  7. I love hearing you read this, Maureen--where you place the emphasis...the emotion. And the end. It whispered hope. Just beautiful.

  8. A tower of words... such a beautiful tribute. I love how artists inspire each other.

  9. I enjoyed your poem. But what I like most is its structure--the couplets are perfect. And the short tight lines center the focus and emphasis. I am your fan, always...

  10. The beauty of well-composed couplets ... can't beat it ...

  11. Breathtaking poem, Maureen-- so cleanly drawn-- I loved:

    As if looking up

    we could know
    whose voice

    in that minute
    before the breath

    before would last
    becomes only static.

    and all of it...xj

  12. Extraordinary column of expression.

  13. This is so beautiful, on so many levels, Maureen. Slim, yet deep, as Deborah aptly noted. There is a finely wrought sense of compression and expansion that oscillates and energizes. And hearing it in your voice reminds me of just how quietly powerful the art of the spoken word can be. Your work illuminates mine in a very perceptive and open way that leaves me feeling genuinely "seen", and profoundly grateful. Thank you for this, and for your constant friendship and support!
