Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday Wonder: Alex Queral

. . . I'm celebrating the individual lost
 in the anonymous list of thousands
 of names that describe the size of the community. . . .
~ Alex Queral, Artist

Cuban-born, Philadelphia-based artist Alex Queral, who originally had a professional career as a jazz guitarist, painstakingly sculpts phonebooks, using an X-ACTO® knife, acrylic medium, and his imagination. Out of the masses of names he carves bas-relief portraits of people we all recognize, among them Georgia O'Keeffe (Flower Child), Frank Sinatra (Chairman of the Board), Albert Einstein (It's All Relative), David Bowie (The Man Who Feel to Earth), and Salvador Dali (Dali). Queral is represented  exclusively by Projects Gallery, which offers some of his one-of-a-kind work as photographic images. 

Queral's art has been on view at Philadelphia Airport and in other venues in the United States, and has been exhibited in Mexico, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The subject of dozens of articles, Queral's "phonebook heads" also are in Ripley's Believe It or Not collections.

Here's a brief video of Queral that shows some of Queral's work:

Audio Interview with Projects Gallery's Frank Hyder about Alex Queral (December 2010)

Alex Queral CV

Alex Queral on FaceBook

1 comment:

  1. This is wild. Carving phone books into art. Wow. I thought phones have the potential for paper crete, though I never tried either. :)
