Sunday, September 23, 2018

Thought for the Day

[. . .]we now pass on, so that even at the end
of time, even in what looks like silence,
even in the quietest sense of disappearance,
even in the far distance of times beyond
our present understanding, we will be remembered
in the way others still live, and still live on, in our love.
~ David Whyte

Quoted from David Whyte, "Everlasting" in The Bell and the Blackbird (Many Rivers Press, 2018)

David Whyte,  Poet, Author, Speaker; Associate Fellow, Said Business School, University of Oxford

Listen to David Whyte's interview at the Poets Cafe, July 29, 2018.

1 comment:

Glynn said...

My post at Tweetspeak Poetry on Tuesday will be on The Bell and the Blackbird. How's that for a coincidence?