Saturday, February 23, 2019

Saturday Short

Enjoy today's short, the poem video It Is Not, from Blank Verse Films. The poem used for the video, which was shot in New Mexico's desert, is by Valerie Martinez, who narrates.

Poet Valerie Martinez is the director of the history and literary arts program at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. She is also an educator, facilitator, and collaborative artist. Her collections include Each and Her (University of Arizona Press, 2010), And They Called It Horizon, Santa Fe Poems (Sunstone Press, 2010), World to World (UA Press, 2004), and Absence Luminescent (Four Way Books, 1999). On March 30, 2019, Martinez will participate in a panel discussion titled "The Art of Trauma" at the AWP Conference.

Valerie Martinez on FaceBook

Valerie Martinez Profile at Poetry Foundation

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