Thursday, January 16, 2020

New Artist Watch Post at Escape Into Life

Ellen Von Wiegand, Of Wild Weeds, 2019
Linocut, 55.5" x 35.5"
© 2019 by Ellen Von Wiegand


February's Artist Watch feature at Escape Into Life introduces the beautiful linocuts of Ellen Von Wiegand.

Largely self-taught in linocut, Ellen developed her interest in printmaking while studying the linocuts of Picasso and Der Blaue Reiter group at Christies, where she earned a master's degree in contemporary art; however, the inspiration for her prints is primarily traditional Japanese printmaking and Greek and Roman black figure pottery.

Today's Artist Watch column showcases nine of Ellen's linocuts, her Artist Statement, a brief biographical profile, and social media sites on which Ellen's work appears.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Such beautiful work!