Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Muse: Auden Documentary

A poet enchants for the purpose of disenchanting.
~ Wystan Hugh Auden

Edward Mendelson's article "The Secret Auden" in the March 20, 2014, issue of The New York Review of Books referenced a documentary about W.H. Auden (1907-1973), Wystan: The Life, Love and Death of a Poet, by Michael Buergermeister. The film premiered in November, 2013, in Oxford, England, at the W.H. Auden Film Festival. (I was unable to discover any additional information about the documentary.)

Here is the trailer to Wystan: The Life, Love and Death of a Poet:

Susanna White was the producer and director of another documentary about Auden: W.H. Auden - Tell Me the Truth About Love

Alexander McCall Smith, "Alexander McCall Smith on Why W.H. Auden Still Matters", New Statesman, September 19, 2013

Alexander McCall Smith, What W.H. Auden Can Do for You (Writers on Writers), Princeton University Press, September 2013

James Fenton, "A Voice of His Own", The Guardian, February 2, 2007

Michael Newman, "W.H. Auden, The Art of Poetry", The Paris Review, No. 57, Spring 1974

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