Thursday, October 22, 2009

Not a Rush (Poem)

Not a Rush

Water doesn't always
have to


to eddy
the way love can hover
and get your back up.

When it somehow
knows to lull,

to run calm at the surface,
no matter the storm below,

water recalls
what it's like

to be rocked
with a new mother's promise.


L.L. Barkat said...

Well, can I say it? This is quite sexy...

"the way love can hover
and get your back up.

When it somehow
knows to lull"

Personally, I think Christians should write more of this kind of poetry. :)

Helen said...

Wow! I am speechless. Actually that is quite a problem when you want to leave a comment..

Bina said... in awe :)

I love this line:
"to run calm at the surface,
no matter the storm below"
Very thought provoking to my heart today.

Thanks for sharing this...I enjoyed reading it.

Anonymous said...

Lovely, Maureen.

Such a gift of images with words. I also like the line of "calm at the surface no matter the storm below"

Soothing, yet stirring. said...

Hello Maureen, your beautiful poem brought back memories of a piece my daughter wrote about forgiveness. "Forgiveness is a river, the water can’t go back. Only forwards, over the waterfall, straight into love."

I love,

Water recalls,
what it's like
to be rocked
with a new mother's promises.

We all need to recall like water the promises of love.

Thank you for your beauty and genoristy of spirit.


Unknown said...

to run calm at the surface,
no matter the storm below

ooooh.... wonderful!

Glynn said...

Love how this is paced -- fast - then slowing - then slow. Beautiful use of the words to do that.