Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thought for the Day

Reading creates an imaginary context
which then becomes a place of rescue.
~ Sven Birkerts

Sven Birkerts, editor of AGNI since 2002, is a literary critic and essayist. His books include, most recently, Reading Life: Books for the Ages (Graywolf Press, 2007),  Art of Time in Memoir: Then, Again (Graywolf, 2007), and The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age (paperback, Faber & Faber, 2006; first published in 1994), the source of the quote above. A collection of essays, The Other Walk (Graywolf) will be published this September.

Albert Mohler, "The Fate of Reading in a Digital Age: A Conversation with Sven Birkerts", June 1, 2011

1 comment:

Louise Gallagher said...

Reading for me has always been an escape, a rescue, as Birkerts calls it, and for me, a refuge. It took me away from the fights and feelings of being less than that permeated my childhood home to a place where I could be part of magic and wonder.

I don't read as many novels these days, but, I am reading way more poetry. Love that!