✭ Colorado artist Carol Nelson began a project on January 1 to paint 100 portraits in 100 days. She's received photos from all over the world. Take a look at her progress to date by going here. Anyone can send Nelson a photo. A quick review of her requirements is here. In addition to portraits, Nelson paints landscapes, still lifes and florals, and animals.
✭ Here is an insightful and fascinating article on the "real" MacBeth and his wife Gruoch.
✭ Fantastical creations can be found at Project Vortex, which describes itself as an "emerging" nonprofit organization "committed to salvaging and reusing non-biodegradable debris from oceans and shorelines. . . to transform garbage into works of art and design. . . ." The site is still under construction but images of participating artists' transformational works can be seen on the main page. The work is an example of often astonishing creativity and a praise-worthy initiative to clean up the earth we all mess up.
✭ You needn't leave the house to bring yourself up to date on contemporary art. Just turn on your computer and head for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art's "Reading Room", where you'll find electronic facsimiles of important museum publications, including exhibition catalogues for past and current shows.
✭ Do you like Accidental Mysteries? This blog, written by John Foster, ranges widely over art, architecture, photography, design, and lots of other stuff that Foster describes as "the magic of everyday things". Be sure to click over to Foster's Website of the same name, which offers a collection of "vernacular" photography—an "overlooked genre of folk art" likely to keep you entranced for a while.
✭ So maybe karoke is not your thing. It's not mine, either. But reading, writing, and speaking poetry: they're something else! And there's a place online where PoetrySpeaks. The site is organized into three main sections: Voices, featuring readings of classic and contemporary poetry; Spoken Word, which highlights "slam" poetry; and Your Mic, where you may upload your own poems, rate poetry performances, and participate in the online poetry community. Your Mic focuses on audio and video performances of poems; however, registered users may upload the text of poems. Click over to the PoetryMatters blog to get the lowdown on poets and poetry happenings, or visit the PoetryStore for Poetry You Can Hear collections. Poets take note: PoetrySpeaks has plans to create poet trading cards that poets may use to promote themselves and their work — a wonderful idea!
So one of my 'new traditions' on Saturday morning is to run over to your blog, check out your finds and get engrossed.
thanks for offering up another morning of wonder!
Accidental Mysteries
this is quite the virtual art collection
Loved Foster's pics of the paper house. So puzzling why and what we are compelled to create. This is such a fun thing to look forward to on Saturdays. Please keep opening our eyes and making our world bigger.
Thanks. :)
I so agree with you about the www - I dont know how my endlessly curious mind coped before, not to mention my homeschool! Thanks again for great links.
WWW just absolutely feeds me - I don't waste my time there but increase my capacity to share the world with fellow travelers in time:) TX. You're links are amazing!
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